Teeth whitening FAQ’s

1What will happen to my white fillings, crowns, and/or veneers?
Nothing.They will not whiten. These man made materials will stay the same color after bleaching. Generally, after whitening, they should l be fairly close to the color of your whitened teeth.
2Can’t I just use whitening tooth paste?
No, they are bad for your enamel. These toothpastes use abrasives to remove surface stains on the surface, they don’t change the color of your teeth a whole lot. Furthermore, these abrasives are scrubbing off the surface of your enamel….not good over the long haul.
3How long will the teeth stay whitened?
Generally, if you avoid the staining foods such as coffee, tea, cola, etc., teeth whitening should last a year or so. In practice, you should plan on a touch up every six months to a year. After your first whitening, Bright White Pros will ALWAYS give returning customers, a 50% discount off list price for your yearly touch up.
4Can Fluorosis stained teeth be whitened?
Fluorosis, teeth being overexposed to fluoride as a child, may or may not whiten to your satisfaction. We have seen some people see remarkable improvement and have seen some get minimal improvement. Everyone’s teeth are different. We can only try.
5I have sensitive teeth, can I have them whitened?
Generally some minor irritation to the gums may occur during the process, but generally subsides shortly after treatment. We provide Vitamin E/Aloe to gums so there is generally no irritation. This is why we paint on the Hydrogen Peroxide, we keep it off your gums/margins of your teeth. It is more time consuming, but this is how I get my own teeth whitened.
6Why are my gums white after the process?
This happens when peroxide gets on gums during the whitening process. This is called “blanching”. The gums will return to the normal color within a couple hours.Generally, 99% of the time not an issue.
7I love my cola, coffee, and tea. What can I do?
First off, WAIT to brush your teeth in the morning, until you’ve had your morning coffee. Brush your teeth after you’ve had your coffee, as brushing, OPENS the pores in your teeth. Also, get into the habit of using a straw to drink your cola/iced tea, as that will minimize contact with your front teeth keeping them whiter, longer.
8How often can I bleach my teeth?
Not more often than 4-6 months, and you will have nice, white teeth. If you are careful, drink from straws etc., you shouldn’t have to do it more than once a year.
9I want teeth as white as movie star’s, will this work?
NO. These teeth that look as white as CHICLETS are VERNEERS. Also a Dentist can do a similar procedure of teeth whitening, but the strength of gel/peroxide is twice as strong, and they charge MUCH more than our process.
10Can’t I just use a home whitening kit?
Yes, but do you want to be doing it every day for a week or two( for hours), when you can get it done in about an hour or less?
11Can I whiten my teeth during pregnancy or while I’m nursing?
No. We suggest waiting until after childbirth and/or nursing.
12Can’t I just get 46% Carbamide Peroxide to quickly whiten my teeth at home.
Sounds good, but not in actual practice. There is a 3 to 1 relationship between this and hydrogen peroxide. In other words, 16% Hydrogen Peroxide is EQUAL to 48% Carbamide Peroxide. Then you are back to leaving trays in your mouth for hours at a time, for 4-6 days, sensitivity will probably be an issue.
13Will my teeth be more sensitive after teeth whitening?
No, within a day or two, your teeth will be the same as they always have been.
14Is the process of teeth bleaching, bad for my tooth enamel?
No. You are not removing any enamel. It’s like putting bleach into a white load in the laundry. It just makes them whiter and BRIGHT!
15I haven’t seen my Dentist in years, am I a candidate for tooth bleaching?
Yes, No, or maybe. PLEASE get your check up before contacting us. They may be fine, or may not, but get a PROFESSIONAL Dentist’s opinion first.
16Are whitening products more effective on teeth with stains of certain colors?
Yes. Yellowish teeth respond well to bleaching, brownish-colored teeth respond less, and grayish-hue or purple-stained teeth may not respond at all. Blue-gray staining caused by tetracycline (Medicine use) is more difficult to lighten and may require additional visits to perform successful bleaching. Teeth that have dark stains may be better candidates for another lightening option, such as veneers etc.